Commands [24]

help Displays help menu.
8ball Ask the magic (and kinda rude) 8ball about your future.
kiss Kisses a member.
hug Hugs a member.
shibe Shows up a Shiba-Inu dog picture.
say Says a message.
serverinfo Shows information on the server.
uptime Shows how much time the bot has been on.
invite The bot will say the invite links and details.
staffcmds Commands for Staff.
credits Shows who made syntify.
ascii Makes the text after the command in ASCII format.
poll Creates a poll.
roll Rolls a die.
howgay Shows a gay meter.
joke Tells you a joke.
xmas Shows how many days left until Christmas.
flip Flips a coin.
rps Rock Paper Scissors!
balance Shows your current balance.
work Pick a job and work!
top Shows top balance.
random Shows a random number.
latency Shows the latency.